Connecting Other Devices
Make sure your device has Bluetooth turned on and Wavefront has power.
Your device is connected when Wavefront’s LED shines a steady light.
- Download Softwave by clicking here.
- Install Softwave and open it.
- Go to Menu -> Connect Bluetooth Device
- You should see Wavefront. Press to connect.
- To disconnect Wavefront navigate again to “Connect Bluetooth Device” and press the “x” behind Wavefront’s name.
- Note that if you do not disconnect Wavefront accordingly from Softwave (for example if you only cut off the power to Wavefront) your computer will remember the connection and auto-connect to Wavefront next time you turn it on.
- Download Softwave by clicking here.
- When you open Softwave for the first time you might get a notification.
- Please select Learn more and Run anyway.
- Softwave will ask you to install loopMIDI, a virtual MIDI driver, if it’s not already installed. If for some reason this does not happen, the driver can be found here. Note that your browser may prompt a warning when trying to download loopMIDI, but we assure you that it’s completely safe.
- After installation of Softwave and loopMIDI, in Softwave navigate to Menu -> Connect Bluetooth Device.
- You should see Wavefront. Press to connect.
- To disconnect Wavefront navigate again to “Connect Bluetooth Device” and press the “x” behind Wavefront’s name.
- Note that if you do not disconnect Wavefront accordingly from Softwave (for example if you only cut off the power to Wavefront) your computer will remember the connection and auto-connect to Wavefront next time you turn it on.
You can connect Wavefront to your iOS device. It works on an app-to-app basis so you need to connect Wavefront through the application you want to use it with - not through the regular Bluetooth Settings.
- Turn Wavefront on. Make sure Bluetooth is turned on on your device.
- Navigate to the app you want to use Wavefront with.
- Find the app’s settings (usually a wrench or a gear icon) and find Bluetooth MIDI (as long as the app supports Bluetooth MIDI devices).
- You should see Wavefront on a list of Bluetooth MIDI devices. Press connect.
- If the app you’re using does not provide an option to pair Bluetooth MIDI devices, download this application and use it to connect to Wavefront.
- Turn Wavefront on. Make sure Bluetooth is turned on on your device.
- Navigate to the system settings (gear icon).
- Select Connected Devices and select Bluetooth.
- Select Pair new device.
- You should see Wavefront on the list. Press it to connect it.
- Once your Bluetooth MIDI device is paired, it’ll show up in the list of Paired devices.
- Now go over to the application you want to use Wavefront with (as long as it can send MIDI) and assign MIDI values to parameters.
- If the app you’re using does not provide an option to pair Bluetooth MIDI devices, download this application and use it to connect to Wavefront.
You can connect external Bluetooth MIDI (BLE MIDI) instruments to your Wavefront.
- Turn on your BLE MIDI instrument, make sure Bluetooth is turned on and it’s searching for a host.
- Keep your instrument close to Wavefront as Wavefront connects to the Bluetooth device nearest to it.
- Press the button on Wavefront.
- Your instrument is connected when Wavefront’s LED shines a steady light.
To be able to connect other BLE MIDI instruments other than Wave you need to update Wavefront to its newest firmware.