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Application guide

You can access the Wave for Work application from your menu bar. It is represented by the Genki logo.

Viewing Actions

a. The icon you see on the left represents the button on Wave the action is connected to.

b. The text in the middle shows which action the button will perform when pushed.

c. The icon on the right represents the LED display that is shown on the ring when you press Wave’s button.

Modifying Actions

a. To change the action for the button; select the text in the middle and either choose another action from the list, or create your own by selecting Custom.

b. To change the LED display that is shown on the ring when you press Wave’s button; select the icon and create your custom LED display.

Gesture Actions

a. To activate the Swipe Gesture press the icon for the middle button. The icon should change and have arrows on both sides of the ring.

b. Choose an action for both the Left and the Rigth Swipe.

c. The L and R simply stand for Left and Right Swipe.

d. When you have the Swipe Gesture selected the middle button performs as a mute/unmute button for the Gesture. If swiping doesn’t work it might be that you simply muted the feature and need to press the middle button once to unmute it.

a. Navigate between the different modes by clicking the icons on the left.

b. You can cycle between modes on the ring itself by holding the Up or Down button. To activate this feature go to Settings (gear icon on the bottom left) and enable Cycle Between Modes.