Edit Mode
Enter ‘Edit mode’ by doing a long press on the UP button. Exit ‘Edit mode’ the same way.
‘Edit mode’ allows you to adjust presets on Wave it self, without going back to the computer. ‘Edit mode’ consists of a main menu, which is an overview of the preset’s functions and submenus for each function, where you can adjust them.
‘Edit mode’ does not allow you to create new presets, it merely allows you to edit the presets you’ve already created using Softwave’s Standalone mode editor.
You can MIDI Learn CC and Program Change values, manually change CC and note values, adjust movement range, sensitivity, output range and more.
Enter/Exit Edit Mode
Enter ‘Edit mode’ by doing a long press on the UP button. Exit ‘Edit mode’ the same way.
Move between screens by clicking the UP and DOWN button.
Enter/Exit Submenus
Enter a function’s submenu by clicking the MIDDLE button. Exit a function’s submenu by doing a long press on the UP button
Shortcut to MIDI Learn
Shortcut to MIDI LEARN by doing a long press on the MIDDLE button in the main menu view.
Adjusting functions
Adjust anything by clicking the MIDDLE button. Click again when finished.
Main Menu
Move between screens by clicking the UP and DOWN button.
Overview of Preset’s Functions
Each preset holds up to 8 functions, and each function is represented by an icon.
A LED in the upper right corner indicates that the function has a dedicated CC number mapped to it. Click MIDDLE button to access submenu.
RE/AB - Relative, Absolute
You can decide if a preset uses Relative (RE) or Absolute (AB) movements. The default state for Wave is Relative.
Relative mode behaves in a way that when you deactivate Wave, no matter how you move your hand in between, when you reactivate it Wave will start tracking from the last position before deactivating.
The Absolute mode does the opposite. It keeps tracking your movements even if you’ve deactivated Wave, and “jumps” to the current value when you reactivate it.
Absolute is stuck in space, Relative moves with you.
Click MIDDLE button to change.
R/L - Right, Left
Use this feature dependant on if you wear Wave on your left or right index finger. Click MIDDLE button to change.
Ch - Channel
Use this feature to change the preset’s MIDI Channel. Click MIDDLE button to change. Use UP and DOWN buttons to find your channel of choice. Click MIDDLE button again when finished.
PC - Program Change
Use this feature to MIDI Learn a Program Change onto the preset. This way, every time you navigate to this particular preset it will send out a program change to your hardware device. Click MIDDLE button to activate MIDI Learn. Select the program change on your hardware device. It should register automatically.
Enter a function’s submenu by clicking the MIDDLE button. Exit a function’s submenu by doing a long press on the UP button.
Movement Range (Tilt, Pan & Roll)
Adjust the movement range of a function by clicking the MIDDLE button and then trace the desired range of it out in the air. Click the MIDDLE button again when finished.
The default range of each movement is from 0 to 90 degrees. The range of a movement controls its sensitivity. If the range is small the movement becomes more sensitive, and if the range is large the movement will be less so.
The position where you start tracing will become the movements starting point when you Reset the movements (long press on MIDDLE button).
You can for example start in the middle, trace upwards and then move past your starting point when you trace downwards. This way the starting point will be in the middle of the movement.
Movement Sensitivity (Vibrato)
You can change the sensitivity of the Vibrato by clicking the MIDDLE button and then adjust the sensitivity by using the UP and DOWN buttons.
The sensitivity block has 5 stages represented by lines. The more lines the block has the more sensitive the Vibrato is. Click the MIDDLE button again when finished.
Movement Direction (Tilt, Pan, Roll & Vibrato)
You can invert the movement direction by clicking the MIDDLE button on Wave. When you do the arrow should flip.
This will make the parameter you are controlling move in the opposite direction of your movement.
CC Value
You can adjust the CC value for each function. There are two ways possible to do this.
Either click the MIDDLE button and use the UP and DOWN buttons to change the number manually. Click the MIDDLE button again when finished.
Or click the MIDDLE button to activate MIDI Learn. Simply turn a knob on your hardware device and its CC number should register automatically.
*Pro Tip - You can shortcut your way to MIDI Learn in the main menu by holding the MIDDLE button.
Output Range (Tilt, Pan, Roll & Vibrato)
You can adjust each function’s Output range. The default is 0-127 but you can change this number manually using the UP and DOWN buttons.
There are two screens for this feature, one for the min Output and another one for the max Output.
Click the MIDDLE button and change the number. Click again when finished.
You can also use a parameter on your synth to adjust the number.
Trigger Sensitivity (Tap)
You can change the sensitivity of the Tap by clicking the MIDDLE button and then adjust the sensitivity by using the UP and DOWN buttons.
The sensitivity block has 5 stages represented by lines. The more lines the block has the more sensitive the Tap is. Click the MIDDLE button again when finished.