Managing Presets
It’s easy to create new presets, delete them, rename them or move them in order to customize your workflow to your needs.
Creating new Preset
To create a new Preset click this icon.
Renaming the Preset Bank
To rename the preset bank, click the “Default Preset Bank”. You can now write in a new name. Press Enter when done or click with your mouse cursor outside the box
Renaming Presets
There are two ways to rename presets.
- To rename a preset in the preset list; click on the Preset name. You can now write a new name. Press Enter when done or click with the mouse cursor outside the box.
- To rename a preset in the top left corner of the preset window; click the Preset name. You can now write a new name. Press Enter when done or click with the mouse cursor outside the box.
Rearranging the Preset Bank
To rearrange Presets in your Preset Bank simply click and hold the preset number and drag it to the desired location.
Deleting a Preset
To delete a Preset click the “x” behind the Preset in the Preset Bank list.
Restoring a deleted Preset
If you accidentally delete a Preset and haven’t saved your session you can use cmd+z (macOS) or ctrl+z (Windows) to undo your mistakes.