To connect Wave to Avid’s Pro Tools, navigate to Setup → Peripherals… → MIDI Controllers. Create a new controller in one of the four slots. Type should be “M-AudioKeyboard”. Receive from “Wave, Bluetooth”. Send to “Wave, Bluetooth”. #Ch’s “8”.
There are several different ways to use Wave within Pro Tools.
Mapping to Pro Tools’ native Transport Controls and Parameters.
Pro Tools has dedicated CC signals for a few native Transport Controls and Parameters.
In Softwave make sure every function you want to use to control Pro Tools’ native Transport Controls and Parameters has a dedicated CC number (→ see Functions)
You can use Tilt, Pan, Roll and Vibrato for the following (→ see Functions):
CC number
CC 17 to CC 24
Pan for tracks 1-8
CC 33 to CC 40
Faders on tracks 1-8
CC 41
Master Fader
You can use the Click Function for the following
CC number
CC 12
Mute selected track
CC 13
Solo selected track
CC 14
Move bank left
CC 15
Move bank right
CC 49 to CC 56
Slider Buttons (Mute on tracks 1-8)
CC 57
Flip button
CC 109
Mode button
CC 110
Prev track
CC 111
Next track
CC 113
Loop button
CC 116
CC 117
CC 118
Additionally you can use Key Commands for Transport Control (→ see
You can use the Momentary Click Function for the following
(→ see Click Function)
CC number
CC 114
CC 115
Fast Forward
Mapping to a Virtual Instrument Plugin
In Softwave make sure every function you want to use to control Pro Tools’ native Transport Controls and Parameters has a dedicated CC number
(→ see Functions)
As there are quite a lot of CC signals already taken by Pro Tools’ native Transport Controls and Parameters you need to use one of the following CC signals:
CC number
CC 0 to CC 11
CC 16
CC 25 to CC 32
CC 42 to CC 48
CC 58 to CC 63
CC 65 to CC 73
CC 79 to CC 108
CC 112
CC 119
In Softwave solo the function you want to map. 4. Create an →Instrument
Track← in Pro Tools. 5. Open the virtual instrument of choice, e.g. Xpand!2
which comes with Pro Tools. 6. Right-Click the parameter you want to control and
select “Learn MIDI CC”. 7. Now De-Solo the function in Softwave. The function
should be mapped to Pro Tools.
Mapping to an Audio Plugin
In Softwave make sure every function you want to use to control Pro Tools’ native Transport Controls and Parameters has a dedicated CC number (→ see Functions).
As there are quite a lot of CC signals already taken by Pro Tools’ native Transport Controls and Parameters you need to use one of the following CC signals:
CC number
CC 0 to CC 11
CC 16
CC 25 to CC 32
CC 42 to CC 48
CC 58 to CC 63
CC 65 to CC 73
CC 79 to CC 108
CC 112
CC 119
In Softwave solo the function you want to map. 4. Create an →Audio Track← in
Pro Tools. 5. Open the plugin you want to map to. 6. Now create a →MIDI Track←
in Pro Tools. 7. On the “Input” choose “Wave, Bluetooth”. 8. On the “Output”
choose the plugin you put on the Audio Track. 9. Open the plugin. 10.
Right-Click the parameter you want to control and select “Learn MIDI CC”. 11.
Now De-Solo the function in Softwave. The function should be mapped to Pro