Logic Pro X
- To make sure Wave works with Logic Pro X, navigate to the top left corner of your screen to Logic Pro X → Preferences → MIDI… A preferences window opens up.
- Navigate to the “Inputs” tab and make sure “Wave” is enabled.
- In Softwave solo the function you want to map. Make sure your function has a dedicated CC number or Note.
- Make sure the track you’re assigning to is record enabled.
- A quick way to map a function to a parameter is to move the parameter you want to map. This is so Logic remembers the “last used parameter”. Next navigate to Preferences → Control Surfaces and select Learn assignment for “x”. You can also hit cmd+L on your keyboard for the same result.
- Another way is to navigate to Preferences → Control Surfaces → Controller Assignment. A window opens up. Select “Learn”. Move a parameter in Logic to map. With “Learn” selected move to the next step.
- Depending on which of Wave’s functions you are mapping, move, tap or click on Wave to make the link. Close the Controller Assignment window.
- Now De-Solo the function in Softwave. The function should be mapped to Logic Pro X.
- Repeat for other functions
If you’re having trouble mapping Wave to a parameter try the following:
Make sure Wave is connected and active.
Try navigating to the top left corner of your screen to Logic Pro X → Preferences → General. A preferences window opens up. Navigate to “Advanced” and enable “Show Advanced Tools”.
If this does not work, restart your computer.