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Logic Pro X

  1. To make sure Wave works with Logic Pro X, navigate to the top left corner of your screen to Logic Pro X → Preferences → MIDI… A preferences window opens up.
  2. Navigate to the “Inputs” tab and make sure “Wave” is enabled.
  3. In Softwave solo the function you want to map. Make sure your function has a dedicated CC number or Note.
  4. Make sure the track you’re assigning to is record enabled.
  5. A quick way to map a function to a parameter is to move the parameter you want to map. This is so Logic remembers the “last used parameter”. Next navigate to Preferences → Control Surfaces and select Learn assignment for “x”. You can also hit cmd+L  on your keyboard for the same result.
  6. Another way is to navigate to Preferences → Control Surfaces → Controller Assignment. A window opens up. Select “Learn”. Move a parameter in Logic to map. With “Learn” selected move to the next step.
  7. Depending on which of Wave’s functions you are mapping, move, tap or click on Wave to make the link. Close the Controller Assignment window.
  8. Now De-Solo the function in Softwave. The function should be mapped to Logic Pro X.
  9. Repeat for other functions


If you’re having trouble mapping Wave to a parameter try the following:

  1. Make sure Wave is connected and active.

  2. Try navigating to the top left corner of your screen to Logic Pro X → Preferences → General. A preferences window opens up. Navigate to “Advanced” and enable “Show Advanced Tools”.

  3. If this does not work, restart your computer.